Suggestions for Tagging

A tag is a word or very short phrase that allows you to identify ideas in your response. Tagging serves an important function at Writing Our Future: American Creed; when you tag your letter, it automatically gets connected to all the other letters with a similar tag. Visitors to the website will then be able to click on that tag to see related responses from across the country.

When you upload a submission to Writing Our Future: American Creed, you will be asked to enter tags as part of a final review before submission. Tags have be pre-populated to relate to both the invitation to write as well as genres of writing we expect (start to type and tags will pop up automatically). We also encourage you to include your own tags that relate to main topics or themes in your response.

Here is a quick list of do and don’t to help you think this through:

Please DO!

  • Do use pre-populated tags whenever relevant (they’ll pop up when you start typing).
  • Do add new tags when they highlight main themes and topics in your response.
  • Do make sure each tag is spelled correctly :)
  • Do be sure to press ENTER after you type your tag; this will enable you to publish your response.

Please DON'T

  • Don’t use tags that repeat information already displayed on this website, ie. the name of your school, the name of your own, the name of the film, etc.
  • Don’t use too many proper nouns or names as tags. Try to highlight the ideas instead of people.
  • Don’t use tags related to trends or ephemeral tags or phrases that others may not understand.
  • Don’t use the hashtag symbol, ie. #
  • Don’t use hate speech or other derogatory language in tags.