Humans of AR: Career Choices and Roadblocks of the Future

I had an interview with a fellow student of AR where I asked what career path they are interested in and what roadblocks they face. The interviewee talks about searching for a path, travel, and the want to overcome emotional barriers.

By Emilly S. from Academy of the Redwoods in California

 “I don’t know what I want to do, I'm just.. I haven’t figured that out. As I get more exposed to more things in school and stuff, I will find out what I want to do, but um, I guess that's my plan, just keep learning and taking more college classes, and then, after I graduate high school I'm going to travel. I have like a birthright, and I’ll probably like just travel from there. I’m thinking about going to college at HSU or somewhere on the coast, somewhere its not like super hot or the desert. I just like to be on the coast, and staying by the coast and doing things that fulfill the soul."

 “Probably myself, because I really easily mistake other people's emotions for my own, like people I have relationships with. And, that can be really heavy sometimes, and it's something I really need to work on. Just having healthy relationships is a roadblock. And they're really.. not the best. They affect my motivations at school of course.”

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Academy of the Redwoods


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