Democracy, to me, means the ability to further educate the kids in this county in specialized areas they are interested in. Giving those students the ability to be successful in their careers. Students can achieve big things if they are passionate and are able to be educated in their fields of choice. Democracy helps keep our textbooks and classrooms updated and current so every kid has the ability to receive an awesome education.Thanks to democracy, the school was able to further expand and a new technology wing was able to be constructed. The school got a new woodshop, a new metal shop, a new robotics room, and a new mechanical drafting room. Democracy also lets students study what they want and allows them to be anything. Students can become astronauts, engineers, teachers, nurses, etc. Whatever a student decides to become, they will in the end help their community and make their community better. Democracy is also a right and a responsibility. We get to enjoy many freedoms but we have to do our civic duty like voting. Democracy to me also means I get to elect my own officials and I have a vote. Democracy is something that everyone should enjoy and be a part of, regardless of what their beliefs are. You can speak out against issues you disagree with and your voice will be heard. Democracy gives you the ability to further your life and open new opportunities for success. Democracy to me also means I get to elect my own officials and I have a vote.
Williamson High School
2021 Government