Is this a sign?

A close look at the sign regulations within Wellsboro.

By Ella P. from Wellsboro Area High School in TIOGA

If you were driving past a sign that looked like this, would you think the place you drove by was outdated or modernized? Within the borough, there are many old marquee signs just like that one. The school’s sign is a prime example of one. I believe that we should have an electronic sign.

In the Borough Ordinance, §19-105- Prohibited Signs, it states that “Any sign which flashes or blinks on and off or contains moving lights or which is otherwise illuminated on an intermittent basis.” Electronic signs in the borough are prohibited which isn’t that big a deal, but when you have old marquee signs, it can be hard to change these letters in and out. At our high school, we like to update the public about our events, and having an old sign makes it hard to keep up with current events we have. A lot of other small towns have electronic signs used to promote a business or give information. If our town were able to use these signs, a lot of businesses could do something cool with the way they promote themselves.

I had the opportunity to talk to our Borough Council President and ask him a few questions.

Question 1 and 2: What do you think of electronic signs not being allowed in the borough and why do you think they’re not allowed?

Borough Council President: “I agree that 19-105.1(E) signs should not be allowed. They do not fit the character of the town. Going to an extreme, imagine if lots and lots of signs in town flashed on and off or had lights that circled the sign in a rotating pattern. That's my image of Las Vegas. What works for Las Vegas might not work for Wellsboro.”

Question 3: Is there a way to change the ordinance to make electronic signs allowed?

BCP: “Ordinances can be changed, and they often are. We've changed ordinances about where animal hospitals may be located, how flag burning may occur, and almost changed the keeping of chickens ordinance. The Council first reviews the new/changed ordinance and votes with a majority for the Borough's attorney to draft ordinance or change (or in event of a tie, the Mayor votes). If it passes, the draft is later reviewed by Council. The proposed ordinance must be published once in one newspaper of general circulation (the Wellsboro Gazette) for at least 7 days and not more than 60 days prior to the day it is voted on.”

Our town is amazing how it is and I agree with the Council President that the electronic signs would ruin the image of this town. But I would really like for our school to get an electronic sign to help keep the public updated about our events and make it easier for the people who change the letters in our signs.

Wellsboro Area High School

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