Richard Scheid: A North Dakota Farmer and Rancher

Richard Scheid, an inspiration to young farmers, is an example of a rural North Dakota farmer after fifty years of experience. His life shows the uses of basic farmer and rancher tools, animals, and crops!
Photo By Addia E.
To younger farmers and ranchers local to Hazen and all his family members, Richard Scheid will be known as a hero and a big inspiration for generations to come. It took him a while to get where he came from: buying his own land, equipment, and crops. Richard Scheid will continue to be a huge influence and farm alongside his son Lee and soon his grandchildren Kade and Colt.
Richard Scheid grows crops like corn, wheat, alfalfa for hay, soybeans, and sunflowers. He owns cows like Angus and his wife owns Herefords.
Alfalfa is constantly replanting itself in the spring. In the summer the alfalfa is cut with machinery and kept in the field to dry. After a week the alfalfa is baled and used to feed cows for the winter. A single alfalfa field is usually cut two to three times every summer.

Photo By Addia E.
Richard Scheid and his wife Nancy Scheid. Wheat is used for animal consumption of any kind.
Photo By Addia E.
The Scheid farmstead from a far away hill.

Photo By Addia E.
A corn field next to the Scheid farmstead. The corn he owns and grows is typically sold or kept to feed animals such as cows and chickens.

Photo By Addia E.
Sunset West of the Scheid farmstead.

Photo By Addia E.
Around every corner of the Schied Farm you will find a mousing cat. These cats are kept for pest control such as mice, rats, and snakes. The cats you will find here might have a deformed face like this one, and if you're lucky, you might find one with several extra toes!

Photo By Addia E.
Richard Scheid's daughter Bailey feeding Ruby, the bottle calf. A bottle calf is a calf that is without its mother and is feeding from a bottle.

Photo By Addia E.
Runaway Angus calf close the the Schied farmstead.
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Writings from journalism workshops held in Hazen, North Dakota, in the summer of 2024. Writings come from the youth of Mercer County.