Supporting School Spirit
High School PTO provides opportunities for students and athletes
“My name is Kate Henry and I am in Orange and Black Pack. I have been in Orange and Black for 8 years. My role is co-president this year. Nobody wanted to be president so Jericho and I decided to do it together. We make sure the meetings are organized. Orange and Black Pack [meetings] have been happening for around 20 years. I honestly didn’t really know what I was getting into at first when I started, I just wanted to be involved and contribute to something. I joined the club when my first child was a freshman. I enjoy being in the Orange and Black pack so much that I don’t think I'll leave even when my youngest graduates. It's fun to give back to youth and to see the students' reaction on their faces when you show up with stuff and pass out gifts or when you surprise them with the new equipment.
Orange and Black Pack consists of moms [of high school students] that raise money to give back and to buy new equipment for the [students]. We have bought several things such as cheerleading and wrestling mats, a new camera for yearbook class, a volleyball net, new band equipment, and more.
The way that we can afford new things like this is because of an [annual] golf tournament that started two years ago. People pay to play in the tournaments, and the money they raise comes back to the students to help pay for new equipment. Each business can donate money, then they have raffle items. People pay a ton in the raffle and that money goes into our account.
[Athletic Director] Greg Ferguson comes to our meetings with dream sheets with ideas [for purchases]. They discuss if they want to pay for some of it or all of it. They vote, and if it passes they [make the purchase]. If the vote doesn't pass, then they put it to the side until later. The Orange and Black Pack is all about school spirit. [Our goal] is to make the school spirit better and more outgoing.”
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