Par Four

Student speaks about involvement on four-person golf team
"I golfed a little bit when I was young but not very seriously. I would play in a father daughter tournament, and then I played junior golf in the summer with Ezri. I started playing golf [at the high school] because Kara, Ezri, and other team members wanted freshmen to join. I like golf because the team and the people are fun and everybody is nice and encouraging. In middle school I played volleyball,wrestling, and track. [When I got to high school] I decided to focus on golf. I just did volleyball for the social aspect, I never really cared much about the sport so I decided to do golf because I liked it more.
[Only four players on the team] is difficult because all of the scores count. In golf tournaments, the best four scores of each team are counted, which means our scores are always counted since there are only four of us. However, we get more one-on-one time with the coach at practice because there's not so many people that he has to focus on.
One misconception that I think people have is that golf is really easy and anybody can play. [People think] you can just go out there and drive 200 yards on your first try— you're not going to. Go try to play a round. In golf there is driving, irons, chipping, and putting. I like chipping the most. Chipping is when you are trying to hit onto the green when you are near it, but not on it. I like it the most because it's the easiest shot for me.
[I would recommend doing golf because] it's a fun experience and everybody's really nice. We go eat food before and after every single tournament. I spend a lot of time with my teammates so we have gotten a lot closer. When I get out of high school I will probably golf for fun once and a while but I don’t plan to go to college for it."
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