Our Village Commons
This article will be about the South Hadley Commons and all the fun and exciting things to do there.
The South Hadley Village Commons (also known as the Town Commons) is a beautiful and wonderful place. You can hang out with friends, relax and have fun! There is so much stuff to do at the Commons and I will get to all of it. So this article will be about the South Hadley Commons and all the fun and exciting things to do there.
There are so many places to eat, one being Johnny’s which is a great dine-in restaurant because there is a bar for older people and booths for families and the food is amazing. I like the crispy chicken salad because the chicken is cooked perfectly and the dressing is amazing. There is also a great ice cream place called Batch, and I personally like the flavors cookies and cream and chocolate. I like going to Batch Ice Cream better than any other ice cream place because their ice cream is so creamy and delicious and it feels like the flavors burst into your mouth when you take a bite. There is also Iya which is a noodle and sushi restaurant. The sushi is amazing! This next one I love, it is called Tailgate. It is a grinder shop and believe me here. Oh boy, it is amazing. The food is so delicious and no matter what you order you will want more. The workers are so nice and kind.
There are also plenty of other things to do at the commons. Like the gazebo. You can read by it, just sit down for a break, or to eat your amazing food you just got. You can also go shopping for books, stuffed animals, basically anything. There is also a hair salon if you want to get your hair looking all stylish. I’ve gone to that hair salon and they did amazing. Also there is a library just up the road from the commons, there is a whole basement for children's books.
The reason I picked this topic is because I remember this one time when me and my mom went to the commons we stayed there almost all day. We got ice cream, ate at Johnny’s, got books and stuffed animals and got our hair done! Till this day I still go to the commons and have loads of fun. The address for the village commons is 17 College St. South Hadley MA, go have a great time and have some fun.
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South Hadley