Letter to The President
I will be talking about greenhouse gasses, clean energy, how much time we have left, and what we should bring into action. I will also be talking about how big of a threat climate change is to the world.
Dear Mr. President,
Some scientists say that we may only have 12-13 years left to save the planet. This is because of bad factory gasses or nuclear power plants. We should convert over to clean energy so we have a longer time to save the planet. Mr. President, you should implement a federal law that states power plants cannot use greenhouse gasses because climate change is getting worse and we need time to fix it. The law would require nuclear power plants to use clean energy.
It is important to understand that climate change is real and that it is a huge problem. This causes damage to the Earth. According to the article “Can, We Fix It,” it was reported that “In recognition of the urgent threat of climate change, the United States and India recognize the urgency of the threat of climate change and are therefore committed to bringing the Paris Agreement into force as quickly as possible” (“Can We Fix It”). This is important because bringing back the Paris agreement we could probably change something on it to make it more helpful and be more strict with it to let people know how much we want to end climate change. This makes me think that the president does care and realizes climate change is a real problem. This also makes me think that wealthy people could also help out with climate change by starting charities and possibly putting a lot of money into helping with climate change. This is important because bringing back the Paris agreement will try to keep the Earths temperature under 2C. But we need to get rid of industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the increase. According to India and the U.S., they plan to adopt an amendment to phase-down the production of hydrofluorocarbons. According to the article “Together on Climate Change, Clean Energy, Energy Security, and the Environment, the author states,” it was determined that “...the two sides plan to work together to adopt in 2016 an ambitious amendment to phase-down the production and consumption of hydrofluorocarbons -- a potent greenhouse gas -- under the Montreal Protocol, which could avoid a half-degree of temperature increase…” (“Together on Climate Change, Clean Energy, Energy Security, and the Environment”). This is important because if they do pass the amendment to phase-down the production and consumption of hydrofluorocarbons it could avoid a half-degree temperature increase. 0.5C (32.9 degrees Fahrenheit) If they don’t pass the amendment we are probably screwed. This makes me think about how fragile animals and humans are. Some say by 2100 deadly heat may threaten the majority of Humankind. This demonstrates how important it is that we implement a law to get rid of greenhouse gasses.
As a result, six AP1000 reactors will be built in India by 2030. According to the article “Together on Climate Change, Clean Energy, Energy Security, and the Environment,” it was revealed that “The United States welcomes India's ratification of the Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage earlier this year and the significant steps taken by Nuclear Power Corporation of India, Limited, and Westinghouse towards finalizing contractual negotiations by June 2017 on a deal to build six AP1000 reactors in India by 2030… “(“Together on Climate Change, Clean Energy, Energy Security, and the Environment”). According to the article First World Climate Change Problems it was reported that “A study recently published in Nature Climate Change finds that "climate change will lead to bumpier transatlantic flights by the middle of this century." In addition to spilled drinks and white knuckles, the effect is likely to increase the number of flight delays and- to make matters worse - increase emissions from airlines... (First World Climate Change Problems) This makes me think that we are going in the right direction to end climate change. By 2030 six AP1000s will be built in India. This will advance the shared clean energy objectives. This is important because once they are built they will open jobs for people not only in India but also in the United States. Once done it would have fulfilled the promise of the U.S. India civil nuclear agreement. This highlights how necessary it is to implement a law to get rid of greenhouse gasses.
This problem needs to be solved because climate change is a threat to all life on Earth. If we start now by getting rid of greenhouse gasses we can have more time to save the planet from climate change. Mr. President, you should listen to this letter to help get rid of greenhouse gases and nuclear power plants so we can preserve life on Earth.
Work Cited
“Can We Fix it” https://explore.proquest.com/elibrary/document/2304430474?searchid=1615316400&accountid=51266
“Together On Climate Change”
“First World Climate Change Problems”
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