Humans of Sophomore Honors: Django

For my Humans of Sophomore Honors, I interviewed Django. He talked a lot about influences and what he wants to do when he gets older.

By Danielle A. from Eureka Senior High School in California

"A lot of people have had a big influence on my life but mostly my 7th grade technology teacher, me and him are actually still good friends even though he moved away. He taught me a lot about stuff I really like to do. As a real job that would actually work out, an architect would be cool. What I really want to do is be a game designer even though it probably wouldn't work out but maybe as a hobby that could turn into a job.I would like to design games with a good story behind them."

Eureka Senior High School

Soph Honors, 1st Period

Section 1

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Surprise Me

Civic Journalism for Rural Youth is part of the National Writing Project’s family of youth publishing projects, all gathered under the Writing Our Future initiative.

Writing Our Future projects are designed by educators for educators and the young people they work with. Intended for use in schools, libraries, and other educational settings. All projects are COPPA compliant and educator-managed. NWP is committed to supporting young people’s writing and civic participation by providing a safe and supportive environment for youth writing, media creation, sharing, and publishing.