Humans of Sophomore Honors: Kylee Waldvogel

I interviewed Kylee Waldvogel about the important lessons she has learned through life, and how it has affected her views of the world.

“The most important lessons I've learned in life is to always remain optimistic and openhearted. Because I have found that when you do remain optimistic and openhearted you find much more joy in what you are doing, and you tend to love more of the happier side of things and people notice that, and you notice that. You have an overall better life because of it. Not always looking at the bad or negative things. Always looking at what can go good, you know, like sunny side up.”

Eureka Senior High School

Soph Honors, 2nd Period

Section 2

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Civic Journalism for Rural Youth is part of the National Writing Project’s family of youth publishing projects, all gathered under the Writing Our Future initiative.

Writing Our Future projects are designed by educators for educators and the young people they work with. Intended for use in schools, libraries, and other educational settings. All projects are COPPA compliant and educator-managed. NWP is committed to supporting young people’s writing and civic participation by providing a safe and supportive environment for youth writing, media creation, sharing, and publishing.