Humans of Tioga County

Humans of Tioga County

By Hailey W. from Williamson High School in Pennsylvania

“Well probably in one way it's made me more narrow because I’ve never traveled much. I think the first time we drove to Arizona it was pretty eye-opening when we hit Ohio. But I think it's also made me appreciate local traditions; people working together, neighbors you can count on, and that sort of thing. And probably appreciate the land and how it needs to be treated. It's the good news and the bad news. I like the isolation. I like the fact that we’re insulated around us a little bit since we own land. I don’t appreciate some of the provincial views that I see and how people are unwilling to think about things. I’ve learned to really appreciate the land and the idea of conserving it and taking care of it and not letting it go to waste. And of course, there’s the whole animal husbandry part where I’ve learned to try to do that as well as I can, as efficiently as I can, and to some extent profitably. I’ve learned the value of friends and sometimes we can disagree with them.”

Williamson High School

2021 Government


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Civic Journalism for Rural Youth is part of the National Writing Project’s family of youth publishing projects, all gathered under the Writing Our Future initiative.

Writing Our Future projects are designed by educators for educators and the young people they work with. Intended for use in schools, libraries, and other educational settings. All projects are COPPA compliant and educator-managed. NWP is committed to supporting young people’s writing and civic participation by providing a safe and supportive environment for youth writing, media creation, sharing, and publishing.