Get To Know Your Neighbor

Interview with Taliya Tsalate.

By Deanna S. from Zuni High School in New Mexico

The following information is from an interview with Taliya Tsalate.

-What superpower would you have? 


-What was the last gift you gave? 

-A robe, given to my cousin!

-How would people communicate in a perfect world? 

-More respectfully than normal, with no more hate speech.

-What advice would you give your future self? 

-Try and stay in Arizona for a longer time to see how it would be.

-What is the kindest thing someone has done for you recently? 

-Someone told me how much I meant to them, and they also comforted me while I was at my lowest.

-What do you think about when you are alone, without any video screens to distract you from your thoughts? 

-I think about how my life would be if I had stayed in Arizona, and how life would be different if I had made different decisions.

-What will you miss about high school?

-I'll miss making memories with my friends and teachers. I'll also miss some of the classes, especially some of the field trips that gave me more time and memories together with people.

-If you had a time machine, would you go to the past or the future? 

-I would go to the future to see how I am, and how earlier decisions would affect my life.

-What is a fictional character you relate to? 

-People say I remind them of Spike from My Little Pony.

-How would you describe Zuni to a person from another planet? 

-I would just explain how the Zuni people are religious, and I'd explain some of the different religious activities in which the Zuni people participate.

-Where would you work if you didn’t need the money? 

-I would be an artist or an interior designer, because those are my favorite ways of expressing my emotions.

-What is a kid's movie that scares you? 

-Monster House, because the old man scared me.

-What is your favorite part of the human face? 

-Eyes are my favorite part, because eye colors are mesmerizing.

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