Mental Health

This passage is about the darker side of mental health and the effects of it.

Mental health can be a heavy topic. From what I know, it commonly can deteriorate at a young age due to trauma. Even out of nowhere, you can get commonly known mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression. Sometimes it can begin randomly, or sometimes it can even be hereditary. Some things I have learned in the past is that unstable mental health, caused by trauma, commonly results in memory loss. Falling along the lines of memory loss, losing track of time and days falls under that aspect.

Thinking of mental illness, you only know the basics that fall under that category. The following: Depression, Anxiety, OCD, and many others. When looking into mental illnesses, you'll find more that lie underneath the covers. Some of the illnesses seem to commonly get overlooked. BPD (borderline personality disorder) is common yet not everyone knows of it. I, myself, didn’t really even know about it until recently. There are more that fall under that aspect that are commonly unknown to average people.

Now, mental illnesses don’t always fall under a terrible category. Some mental illnesses such as ADHD are highly common but not as deteriorating as depression or other mental illnesses. It is most common in children but it can also effect many adults. Another one is dysphoria. Dysphoria commonly is found in pre-transition people, although not all transgender people have dysphoria. Even post-transitioning people get dysphoria.

Things I’ve learned is that even though it’s most common in teens, adults commonly can be seen to have depression, anxiety, bipolar, etc. Every day I learn new things on mental health. Like mental diagnoses and everything in between. How these disorders destroy the minds and physical health of the young and old. How these things effect their every day lives. Even how they live with these things while maintaining their happy posture. There’s always room for improvement and education. One thing I follow by is if you don’t know something about anything, ALWAYS educate yourself on the matter before speaking on it. Because you could say something wrong and educate someone falsely.

Now to finish this informative passage off. Mrs. Cox, a counselor at Pocahontas Jr High, said, "I believe every human being needs a counselor at some point in their lives when life's stresses become overwhelming and/or trauma prevents us from functioning in a healthy way or lifestyle!" Which, I totally agree with her. Although, there is a thin line where talking to a therapist or counselor isn’t for everyone.

Pocahontas Junior High

Pocahontas Junior High

Ms. Lange's 9th and 10th graders

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