Legalization of Drugs

It's better to have legalized drugs-here's why!

By Malana D from Pocahontas Junior High in Arkansas

Drugs should be legalized

I have interviewed two people, Gail from the migrant office and Davlynn, A student. These were their responses to my questions. “What do you think of drugs?” Gail said, “It is bad because it changes the way people act.” Davlynn said, “People could die from it. It could take control of people & cause them to make bad decisions.” I also asked them, “What is one word to describe drugs?” Gail said, “Dangerous.” & Davlynn said “Possessive.”

I think that drugs should be legalized properly because some drugs that people are on makes them go crazy. It makes people go crazy and makes family members or close friends think hard about their peers. Teenagers nowadays are on hard drugs and it questions their peers about their act or attitude. Some teens get mad for no reason sometimes and it's because the drugs they are mostly on makes them crave for some more. Communities should make a law on drugs and make it strict due to health conditions.

I also think that drugs should have signs and other things to warn teens that it is really bad for a person's health. The craving for drugs is really bad and it changes how a person acts towards anyone. A community should have respect but that's actually up to a person who wants to earn respect. I have a cousin that's on drugs and he has a craving for it and it's bad because he beats his kids until he gets the drug and he feels at peace when he is on it. I've talked to him before about how bad it is for him to abuse his kids just because he craves drugs. I've also told him that his kids will grow up and have bad memories about their past because their dad beats them to a pulp. They will never know what love is like if he don't show that he loves and cares for them.

People should care about their health more than wanting the drug. It is addicting and if they need help, they should go to a rehab and help fix their problem. Drugs can be helpful sometimes if a person is sick and it makes them at ease and feel better, they should be much more careful. If a family member does crazy things to their loved ones, that's how you know they are craving a certain drug. These powerful substances can really change how a person acts instead of healing them. In my opinion, drugs should be legal at places where people can control what they crave. It is important to have self respect and control. If it's around peers and they do not care, that's on them. If it's around peers they love, then it should be limited.

In conclusion, I think that drugs should be legal for family purposes and self control. Self control will make things better. If a person is mad, please ignore and ask if they are ok. It is important to ask instead of jumping into conclusions and thinking that it is okay to fight if they do anything wrong. Respect should be highly recommended in society. It is good to help each other out and show love and care for peers that go through these. I hope that everyone understands where I'm coming from because being on drugs can be bad for a person’s health, self respect, and control.

Pocahontas Junior High

Pocahontas Junior High

Ms. Lange's 9th and 10th graders

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