People of the United States
People of the United States
Dear People of the United States of America,
We are here to propose making voting a nationwide holiday.. Everyone needs to vote. Voting is more than about what political party you support. It shows what you believe in, and when you vote, you can help make your ideas part of our society. You can make a difference, no matter if you're working or your situation seems grim. So we should make a national holiday for voting day so everyone can make a difference. So voting is important. But why make it a holiday? Well, here are our reasons why it will help get everyone to vote, and make our democracy more fair and good for everyone.
There are several reasons why making voting a holiday would be helpful. First, more people have opportunities to vote, like the people who are working all day and can’t find time to go to the voting polls and cast their vote. Some people would get fired, or need the money from working so they can’t vote, so they need to have a time when they can. Second, it would take the stress of casting your vote in time by giving everyone a chance to cast their vote. This would be beneficial for the poor people and hardworking people of America to give everyone a chance to vote. Also, if it was made into a holiday, it would show people how important voting is. Some people don’t think their vote matters. But if you don’t vote and tell others in your life, then they might not vote and then they tell others and a chain reaction happens where a ton of people don't vote. That’s why everyone's vote counts, and you should fight for what you believe in, even if it won't immediately make a clear impact. Making it a holiday would help show the people of America that.
People in America have been fighting for their voting rights for decades, and finally, everyone can vote. So respect their hard work, and recognize that they were fighting for a good cause, by voting, and helping us make it a national holiday. Thank you for your time.
Lewin and Tal
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Voting Rights Project