Our Democracy
My picture represents democracy in my eyes, the ability for people to work together. The ability to hear everyone's voice in order to function.
Democracy In My Eyes
Democracy is having the freedom to do what you want with your life. Whether you want to be a lawyer or a doctor or something entirely different such as a blue collar worker. Democracy is ultimately coexisting with the people around us. More so respecting others beliefs rather than believing in them and or agreeing with them yourself. Democracy is much like keeping a boat going in the direction you want it to go in. In order to do that there needs to be communication from both parties. If communication doesn’t occur and opinions aren’t shared, you will be going in an endless amount of circles.
Democracy is listening to everyone's opinions. More so being able to compromise and meet somewhere in the middle. So each party gets their voices heard. And all of us in this modern society believe in at least one opinion a person of government has, because all of their ideas are coming from us.“We the people” as a whole make decisions together while being guided by the government. Everyone is given the same opportunities and learning structure in order to achieve greatness.
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Sophomore Honors English