
Dear Todd, I read you were on a business trip to San Diego. Then there were attacks. You made a phone call to an operator. Then said a prayer. Which I would say is very courageous. That's the reason I picked you, not another person. Thank you.

Dear Todd, 

        I read you were on a business trip to San Diego. Then there were attacks. You made a phone call to an operator. Then said a prayer. Which I would say is very courageous. That's the reason I picked you not another person. Thank you. Thanks for all you did it was very him-type energy. You were that guy who stopped terrorists from crashing a plane in the capital. That's very courageous like I said and brave. Even though you knew you could die and well yeah. You still did it anyway. Sadly it turned out like this. But great work man. Everyone in that place and I mean everyone was brave. So great job with that and thank you for everything you have done for this country. You know it even now. 




Hanover-Horton High School Write to Remember 2024

Creative Writing & Communications Class

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