The Questions from H
I chose to write a letter to the author because I had questions about the book and her. I was curious about why she wrote the book, what the message was, and what made her want to make a graphic novel. I researched the author on YouTube.
Dear Shing Yin Khor,
I liked reading your book The Legend of Auntie Po. I liked reading this book because the characters had many different character traits and different ways to solve problems. My favorite character was Mei. My favorite scene in the book was when Mei helped the Chinese workers. I really like that Mei did the right thing when no one was helping the Chinese workers. This made me feel hopeful that people can be nice.
I am curious about the reason you wrote The Legend of Auntie Po. When I read the book I thought your message to the reader was to not treat people differently based on where they come from. Is this the message you wanted readers to have? Why did you write this book?
I researched about you and found out that you illustrated and wrote the book. I think that is really cool and would be hard to do. What made you want to make a graphic novel? I think a graphic novel and a chapter book would the same level of difficulty. A chapter book has more words but a graphic novel has more pictures and that is more challenging to do.
I think it’s really cool that you wrote this graphic novel.
Roosevelt Middle School 5th Period
Accelerated Literacy