Book Review for "Accountable" by Dashka Slater from Ivy T.
A comment for "Accountable"
After reading "Accountable", a non-fiction book about a racist social media account, what led to it, and its aftermath told from the perspectives of all involved in the event, I would give this book a rating of 5 out of 5. It shows a layered story and describes the experience with details from many different sources, which challenged my thinking around racism, social media, identity, and justice.
Lessons I learned from reading the book include that there is more to the story than we see and also sometimes reality is unforgiving, which is why being accountable is important. If more people try to see other's lives in a different point of view and base their actions on what would be accountable or justified, it would make it easier to maintain community and connections.
Edna Brewer Middle School EBMS 8th Grade Book Club
8th grade students at Edna Brewer Middle School