Michael E. Smith Middle School Library
Ms. Remer says things in exciting ways and makes the library fun. There are so many things to find in our library.
Hi everyone, I’m in 5th grade at Michael E. Smith Middle School and I want to tell you about the MESMS school library. The library is on the first floor near the stairs. The school library teacher’s name is Ms. Remer and she is very nice.
Ms. Remer says things in exciting ways and makes the library fun. She also helps you when you need it, like if you need a loaner chromebook and if you need help finding a book. She gives out loaner chromebooks to kids who need them. A loaner chromebook is a chromebook that you ask for if you don't have one or if you forgot yours. You might be able to get one but she usually doesn't give them to people that forgot their chromebooks. Guess what!? Ms.Remer has 40 loaner chromebooks.
Now let's talk about the yearbooks. Ms. Remer has 20 yearbooks in the library from different years. She has some that are from 1994 or older. There was one yearbook that said we were the panthers, so I guess we used to be called the panthers Now I’m going to tell you about Ms. Remer and the library itself. Ms. Remer is very passionate about her books. She makes some books sound very interesting because many of us don't really like to read. Next we are gonna be talking about the library. It has 120 shelfs with 16,085 books on the shelves. There are 14 tables, 77 chairs, and 10 couches/cushy chairs in the library. Ms.Remer lets us check out three books every library time. We go to the library every two weeks with our ELA teacher. Ms.Remer also has some comfy chairs for the library.You can pick books in large print or normal print! The library has most of all The Baby Sitters Club books. In the library there is a computer and you can search up the books you want to check out. You can also see if there are any books in Spanish. In October we got 1,990 books checked out but only 293 were renewed!!! So far this year the most popular books were Sisters, Drama, Smile, and Guts by Raina Telgemeier.
The library is important to me because Ms. Remer is really, really kind. She helps every kid that needs help so that's why Ms. Remer is so important to me. The library is so important because it has so many books and many more things. I hope you had fun reading.
Sources: (https://www.southhadleyschools.org/our-schools/mesms/resources)
Post a commentWestern Massachusetts Writing Project Michael E. Smith Middle School
South Hadley
I'm glad you love your library and library teacher! These are valuable and underutilized resources (full disclosure: I'm also a school librarian.....libraries have SO MUCH to offer!)