
I answered prompt 3 in this and talked about people coming together to help worldwide starvation and hunger.

I am choosing prompt #3. Starvation and hunger is a big world problem that has pretty much always been around. It’s also everywhere in the world. I feel that a lot of people know about this, but have just accepted it and don’t really take action to do anything about it. If more people were informed how bad it was, I think more people would be willing to help out. There are many factors that kind of play into this starvation problem, like inflation and the weather. There are so many organizations out there that help this problem but if we got more people in on it, it could really decrease the amount of starving people around the world. Even donating to those organizations can really help too. If we worked on spreading awareness and got more people involved, it could potentially help a lot. Another way could be for communities all over the world could have a community garden where they live and have people volunteer to help with it and then they can donate all the fresh produce they get from it. There are also many organizations and businesses that ship food all over the world to give to people in need. Another nice thing is people who are involved in mission projects go over to help people. We just need to work on getting more people informed and taking action to help this worldwide problem.




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