Flight 93 Prompt 3
The Flight 93 passengers and crew were 40 unique individuals who stood together on 9/11 to confront terrorism. Write about a current problem the world presently faces and how people could work together to solve the problem.
The passengers and crew members of flight 93 worked together to stop the terrorists from hijacking the plane, even though they died they stopped them from crashing into the pentagon and saved many lives by acting as a team. There are currently many problems in the world that we could work together as a team to fix like the passengers and crew members of flight 93 worked together to prevent an attack. A problem the world currently faces is hunger. Hunger is a global problem around the world and can lead to sicknesses and overall, death. Countries like Ethiopia face hunger problems due to the lack of rainfall causing severe droughts and climate extremes which contribute to food shortages. An estimate of over 20 million people is suffering from food insecurity in Ethiopia.
We could work together to solve this problem by donating money to charities a lot more often than we do. We could also solve this problem by giving away the food we don't eat and waste at home. Some children tend to be picky eaters therefore they do not eat it and we just waste it by throwing it away when it could be given away to someone in need of it. Another way we could solve this problem is by organizing or joining a meal packing event so that families and children have shelf-stable meals prepared for them. We as people could also solve this problem as a team by running food drives at our businesses or schools.
World hunger is one of the top ten biggest problems we face today. Things like climate extremes and less job opportunities are just some of the many sources of this problem. There are more than 58 countries that face hunger in today's world. Although world hunger may not ever be solved, it is worth a shot to try these things to solve it. We as people can work together and attempt to solve this problem like the people on flight 93 attempted to prevent the attack on the pentagon on 09/11/2001.
Oak Grove High School Layton - Eng II - 1st Bl
English II 1st Block