Flight 93 Prompt 1: Patrick Joseph Driscoll
I wrote a letter to Patrich Joesph Driscoll about what has all changed/ happened in the past 22 years.
Dear Patrick Joseph Driscoll,
To start this letter off I would like to say thank you for your bravery on September 11. They also made a memorial for you guys on Flight 93, I have been out there to visit it. It's a really sad place in the building, we can listen to a lot of people's last calls to their families. There is also stuff from the plane in the building. They rebuilt the Pentagon but did not rebuild the Twin Towers. We have put up a wall of everyone's names names to honor you guys and there is a boulder where you guys crashed the plane so it did not go to the white house.
I would also like to tell you about what has changed and happened in the 22 years since 9/11. A lot has changed in 22 years, especially with safety and transportation safety. We now have more security and we have to wait in a huge line just to get past, we can no longer take pocket knives on the plane. We have to take our shoes off and sometimes our jewelry like bracelets and necklaces.
Everything would be so different without you guys. We wouldn't be where we are now without the people on Flight 93. Everyone remembers you and remembers what you died for. We all honor all of the passengers and crew that sadly passed that day, but we remember you for your bravery.
Gabrielle Wilfong
Greater Johnstown High School APUSHII + Am. History 2
10th grade writers