Homelessness in America and how to fix it
There are several homeless people in the world today; however, there is no easy way to fix this problem. This isn't just the community of Johnstown, it is the whole country that needs to help with this endeavor.
For any person, homelessness is a huge problem. The main reason is that without proper housing homeless individuals are exposed to the elements. Coalition for the Homeless states, "For homeless people, shelter from the elements can be a matter of life and death... Without this crucial safeguard, vulnerable homeless people would be at severe risk of death or injury on the streets and in other public spaces." This quote helps explain that without shelter it would be nearly impossible for homeless people to survive the elements. Homeless shelters were established in hopes of helping those without a home have a better chance at survival. Another quote from the Coalition for Homeless People states, "When modern homelessness first emerged in the late 1970s, thousands of homeless New Yorkers were forced to fend for themselves... At that time, hundreds of unsheltered homeless people died each year, many from hypothermia and other cold-related injuries." This quote further supports the fact that homeless individuals in New York struggled to survive.
As a community, there have been people who have tried to help homeless individuals, but not enough for there to no longer be homeless people. There exists a way to stop homelessness; however, it's not as easy as you may think. The coalition for the homeless states on their website, "We can end the homelessness crisis. By stabilizing people through shelter, moving them into permanent housing, and implementing assistance programs to keep them in their housing, we can not only reduce but eliminate, homelessness in New York City." This statement explains that we can eliminate homelessness if we were to get housing units for homeless individuals in New York, but what if we did this all around the world? If only we lived in a world where everyone had the same chances and opportunities in life. There wouldn't be any homeless people left. If we simply worked together as a community then we could easily solve this problem that has troubled our nation for many decades.
Greater Johnstown High School APUSHII + Am. History 2
10th grade writers