Letter to Deora Frances Bodley
This is a reflection letter to Ms. Deora Bodley, who was a passenger on Flight 93
Dear Deora Frances Bodley,
You truly are a brave soul, and gorgeous. You were the youngest person on the flight, and sadly lost your life. I can't help but imagine what you were thinking, and what you did. In class we have to write to a passenger on Flight 93, I chose you for some special reasons. You stood out to me the most. You were studying to be a child’s psychologist, and personally that's what I want to do. Alive or dead, I aspire to be like you. All you wanted to do was go home after visiting your friends, and your life ended because of this tragic situation. As I read more about you, I started to connect to you. You loved to read, write, you loved kids, and so do I. Since me and you are so alike I want to tell you some things you’d love in 2023. Taylor Swift, I know you’d like her. There’s some really good books you’d love, and movies as well. I can tell you were an amazing person. You did so many incredible things. Such as tutoring, helping orphan animals, and just helping people in general. As a person who volunteers, and always tries to help people, you are a role model to me.
9/11 was a tragic situation, and nobody should have been in such a horrific thing. Your actions on the flight are unknown, but I can tell you put up a fight. Even knowing that it was going to be the end, you still tried your best. Flight 93, you weren’t even scheduled to be on that flight. You were just a standby passenger. Your mom knew that you were coming home that day, but thought you were going to be on your original scheduled flight. Since she didn’t know a friend from the United States called her while your mom was in church. She was praying when her phone started ringing. It was Sharon DeWitt, the friend from United. Sharon didn’t even get to finish her sentence, when your mom started screaming and crying. Many believe the hijackers intended to fly the plane into the U.S. Capitol, which was only about 20 minutes away. But thanks to the heroic efforts of you, and the other passengers on board, that plan failed. The passengers fought back and as they tried to regain control of the aircraft, the terrorists - realizing their original plan had been foiled - made the decision to crash the plane. The plane went down in a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. The impact killed everyone on board. If you would’ve been on a different flight. You’d still be alive. But I get it. You wanted to go home to your family.
Ever since 9/11 your mom, and lots of others make sure your legacy, and the other heros’ legacy and bravery alive. Thanks to your mom, who has devoted her life since that horrific day to honoring Flight 93's 40 passengers and crew members. Every year on September 11th, the names of the heroes, and victims are read aloud during an emotional and inspiring ceremony. Instead of taking her anger out on the hijackers, your mom honors all of the victims, because she knows what you would have wanted. Your mom was instrumental in making the Flight 93 National Memorial a reality. It sits on the field where the plane went down and offers visitors the opportunity to learn about the passengers on board. You truly are a brave soul, and your legacy will live on forever.
Kylee K
South Girard School Carr's 5th Period Class
Honors World History