Prompt #1
Families of the people who died on September 11, 2001 and citizens from around the world have left messages in New York, Arlington, and Shanksville for those who perished on that day. Learn about a passenger or crew member from Flight 93 and write th
Dear Honor Elizabeth Wainio,
You are a very kind and thoughtful person for helping on Flight 93. You said goodbye to your step-mother and told her you loved her which is a very thoughtful and kind thing to do. You were very young when you died, only 27 years old. You deserved to live longer and go home from your trip to Europe. You were a very hard worker you quickly went to management in retail. I hope in the afterlife you are doing well. I know all your loved ones including friends and family miss you. It's very sad to know your birthday was a little bit less than a month away. Thank you for all that you and the other passengers have done. You deserve a lot for your bravery, kindness, and thoughtfulness. You worked hard to save our capital from being hit.
Hanover-Horton High School Write to Remember 2024
Creative Writing & Communications Class