Lauren Catuzzi Grandcolas
What I learned about Lauren Catuzzi Grandcolas and a letter to her.
Dear Lauren,
I have learned a lot about you and the other passengers on board. You were leaving your grandmother's funeral in New Jersey, on your way back to California. Not only were you and your husband expecting your first child but you also were writing a book inspiring women to do what they love and follow their dreams. You called your husband from the flight and told him goodbye and that you loved him and to tell the family too. First, you lost your grandmother, then two more losses in your family. You had to be so brave to be able to speak and call your husband. You will forever be remembered and continue to be studied. Your memory will live on through your book and your family. The song has ended, but the words will continue to linger on.
Hanover-Horton High School Write to Remember 2024
Creative Writing & Communications Class