1. To register for each stop, be sure you have the unique code for that stop.
  2. Go to the registration page and in the box on the right, enter the code.
  3. Each stop requires a unique username. We recommend using your email address and adding the state code at the end to make it unique. You will still be able to receive email from the system to this modified address. (Example: tanya+HI@nwp.org for Hawaii and tanya+NE@nwp.org for Nebraska and so on).
  4. Fill in a password and click “Sign Up Now” (if you like, your password can stay the same across locations).
  5. Once you register, you may begin creating your first post.
  6. After you enter your headline, summary, and content, in the right column, enter the screen name you would like displayed with your post. Then select the “2024” tag and click “Submit”.
  7. You will see a preview of your post. If everything looks good, you can click the “Self Publish” button at the bottom. If you would like to edit your post, in the lower left corner, click “Edit post”.