Writing Our Future with American Creed
NWP Radio, February 1, 2018
Through its many stories—set in a range of big cities, small towns, and rural areas around the country—the documentary American Creed wrestles with key issues in America today, including opportunity for all, the meaning of citizenship, and the challenge of meaningful civic participation and dialogue. Listen to this NWP Radio episode to hear more about the film, learn about the NWP's youth publishing opportunity, and listen to the ways educators have been weaving this film into their classrooms.
Youth Civic Engagement and Public Writing: CEWAC and American Creed
NWP Radio, May 10, 2018
Join Writing Project colleagues who have been working at the intersections of the Writing Our Futures: American Creed project and the development of the Civically Engaged Writing Analysis Continuum (CEWAC). They have been exploring how we might use CEWAC to support youth in preparing their writing for public audience and dissemination.
Resources to Support Youth Engagement with Writing Our Futures: American Creed
NWP Radio, June 21, 2018
Meet colleagues and partners involved in engaging youth and community conversations emerging from the documentary American Creed. Educators from Facing History and Ourselves, #shareyourlearning, and Writing Project colleagues will join us to talk through resources and support materials they have created to support dialogue and youth publishing in diverse classrooms and communities across the country.
Back to School with Writing Our Future and American Creed
CLTV, November 6, 2018
Meet educators using the documentary American Creed in their classrooms to prompt discussions about identity and community. Examples of student work are shared and discussed.