Visual Poetry Assignment - Legacy By Nikki Grimes

Students analyzed poetry focusing on structure, literary devices, and theme, using the book Legacy: Women Poets of the Harlem Renaissance by Nikki Grimes, a collection and response to female Harlem Renaissance poets
In my opinion the Poem Earth i thank you by Anne Spencer means giving the earth appreciation for everything that it has been through and suffered. Us humans have caused lots of damage to the earth by climate change and causing plastic to get into the oceans.One metaphor is that Anne Spencer is comparing the Earth to a mother, a friend and a provider.One piece of literary Device is personification, where the earth is personified as a mother figure this use of personification creates a connection. From my observations this poem does not have a rhyme structure or pattern; it is written in free verse.In my opinion two themes in this poem are gratitude and interconnections of nature.
River City High School Spring English 11
ELA 11 students