‘Black Birds in the Sky: The Story and Legacy of the Tulsa Race Massacre by Brandy Colbert ask or tell author
What I liked most about the book and a question for the author.
I enjoyed reading the book ‘Black Birds in the Sky: The Story and Legacy of the Tulsa Race Massacre by Brandy Colbert. The book was from an interesting perspective because of the Author's background of Growing up in a majority white town with a racist history as a black child faced with microaggressions and feeling different at school because of her race. I can relate because my town and school are sorta diverse but I live close to multiple sundown towns in texas and there aren't many black kids. I hear microaggressions almost every day. I liked how much background to the Tulsa Race Massacre was included I think understanding some of the United States' extensive racist history is paramount when pinpointing specific events. The part of the book which stood out to me most was the part that discussed ‘The Birth of a Nation’. I knew before reading that it portrayed the KKK as more than a white supremacist hate group and was the first film screened at the white house but I was unaware Woodrow Wilson promoted the KKK. I wonder how the author felt while writing because I know discussing racism stirs up a variety of emotions, so I'm wondering what feelings the author felt after writing about some of the racist atrocities executed in the past?
New Tech High at Coppell English I Section 1
Writers from New Tech High at Coppell