The Legend of Pei Pei
This photo shows the water buffalo Pei Pei standing over a forest protecting the lumberjacks. The hearts over the horns represent the love that Pei Pei has over the people and workers and how he really wants to protect them.
In the book The Legend of Auntie Po, the most meaningful character for me was Auntie Po’s pet Water Buffalo Pei Pei. Pei Pei really stood out to me because although he couldn’t say a word since he was a water buffalo, he always stood by and helped the characters. He offered Mei protection when she ran off into the woods upset and tried to help save as many loggers as he could when they all fell into the river after trying to get the logs unstuck from the river pile up. To me, he symbolized hope while Auntie Po symbolized trust throughout the book, the duo together symbolized safety. Whenever Mei would see Pei Pei she knew Auntie Po was near. Mei and Bee also faked Pei Pei's footprints back at the logging camp to give Henry hope that they would be able to stay there. Pei Pei also noticed Mei when just was walking around in the forest and came to her when Auntie Po did not, he seemed to be more on the caring and sympathetic side while Aunite Po, though helpful and kind, was more on the realistic side. Pei Pei discreetly added to the plot by being that small supporting character that would provide emotional and physical support to Mei and the other characters.
New Tech High at Coppell English I Section 6
Writers from New Tech High at Coppell