Humans of The Pepperbox

Humans of the Pepperbox

By Emily from Arcata High School in California

“All County my freshman year I went into the orchestra coming from a charter school where we didn’t have an orchestra… The conductor was Carol Jacobson who conducts the Eureka Symphony. I went in as a sixth grader with no one knowing who I was and I got an audition for the leader of the second violins… I remember at one point when we were playing she stopped the whole orchestra because we were playing a section and none of my section could get it and said ‘you play it’... She made me play these two really fast, complicated lines in front of everyone by myself. It was kind of life changing… After the concert she came up to me and said ‘I want to see you in the Eureka Symphony your senior year.’” -Flannery Warner

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Civic Journalism for Rural Youth is part of the National Writing Project’s family of youth publishing projects, all gathered under the Writing Our Future initiative.

Writing Our Future projects are designed by educators for educators and the young people they work with. Intended for use in schools, libraries, and other educational settings. All projects are COPPA compliant and educator-managed. NWP is committed to supporting young people’s writing and civic participation by providing a safe and supportive environment for youth writing, media creation, sharing, and publishing.