A letter to the future President
A letter to the Future President with my hopes
55 Margaret Street
Monson Massachusetts, 01057
October 30th, 2024
Future President,
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington D.C, 20500
Dear Future President,
I am a student at Monson High School. I am 17 years old and I live in Monson, Massachusetts and I represent the students who also attend my school. The reason I am writing to you is because I am concerned with some issues in our country. Some of the main concerning problems in our economy is Housing costs, Education Costs, Immigration and most importantly,
Inflation. Inflation affects everything as all prices tend to rise. Inflation is a roller coaster and our country needs steady and reliable prices for the people.
In Massachusetts, “The median sale price for homes in Massachusetts is $595,700”, according to Redfin's monthly housing data for April 2024. Everyone is affected by this issue and this has been going on for years, especially since 2020. As a student, who will want to buy a house at some point in the future, I fear that the housing market's future isn’t as bright as I’d imagined.
I understand that inflation is slowly going down but prices are not what they used to be, positively and negatively. Compared to past years, our gas prices were once less than $2.00 but they were almost as high as $5.00. I know that I am just as scared as everyone else for the prices to rise to that extreme again. As the inflation rate is normally 2%, it's currently 2.4%. Just that 0.4% has a major impact on the people.
I think decreasing the inflation rate back to 2% and ensuring that prices will not reach that high again will slowly boost the American economy. I also understand that inflation is a difficult issue to face and that fixing it will take time, especially when history has already been written
As you are an American too, I know that you see the price increasing of necessities and how families are struggling daily to keep afloat. People need to care about this issue because it is the future of this country. One of the things Americans can do is decrease the demand, which will decrease supply, but negatively affect small businesses.
Thank you Future President for your time and attention, and thank you for being willing to read the issues I’m concerned about. As I am a senior in highschool, I want to make sure I have a bright future to look forward to, and it all begins with you.
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I too want a bright future for everyone to look forward to; I hope the next president addresses your concerns.