A letter to the future President
a letter to the future President
Nick White
55 Margaret St. Monson Massachusetts
October 30, 2024
Future President
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20500
Dear Future President,
My name is Nick White. I am 18 years old and live in Monson Massachusetts. I am a senior at Monson High School. I believe that there are many issues with the country today that need to be addressed. I believe there are many economic issues like inflation, foreign spending, unemployment, and education costs. The government currently spends too much money in places that don’t matter. I believe in cutting spending within the military and in foreign countries. Cutting these prices would allow us to spend the money on other areas like building affordable housing.
This leads me to my biggest issue with America today. The cost of living in America is too high, there is limited affordable housing in America. This issue is very important to me because I have personally dealt with it. My family had moved 4 times within two years. It was a struggle for my family as it cost so much money to go from place to place. Housing costs are way too high and not affordable as well as renting costs. I believe that there are many ways that this country can work towards this problem. I believe that we can send federal funding into new affordable housing programs. We can also modify currently existing housing to make it more affordable. Also we can give money to states and cities to establish affordable housing districts. I believe that giving money to the states and cities will make more affordable housing, allowing citizens a lower cost of living and an opportunity to live well.
Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. I hope that you will consider some of these ideas in working towards a better future for America. I wish you the best in your tenure as the president of the United States of America.
Nick White
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