A letter to the future President
my concerns and hopes for a new President
October 31, 2024
55 Margaret Street
Monson Ma 01057
The White House
1600 pennsylvania avenue NW
Washington DC 20500
Dear future president
I am a Monson high school student and have some concerns about the direction this country is headed in. I think we should have harsher punishments for pedophiles and rapists, a more efficient education system, reasonable expectations for abortion rights, and making it more affordable to be alive.
However I am writing this to specifically touch on the subject of affordable living. The skyrocketing prices of essential needs and services are not only a burden but also annoying. Many families are forced to make hard decisions between food, healthcare, and housing. People should not have to go broke to afford healthcare. Someone could be dying and they'd still need to pay with an arm and a leg just to survive. My grandmother passed away recently from throat cancer because she couldn't afford treatment and it's not fair. To fix this problem, I ask that you take the measures that could help lower prices across the board.
Also , the minimum wage has not kept pace with inflation. Increasing the federal minimum wage would allow workers to meet their basic needs. College students should not live like rats when they move out.
I appreciate you taking the time to listen to my concerns on these urgent matters and I hope you put in the effort to support the people of america.
Thank you for your time.
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