Our Democracy
In this response, I talked about what democracy means to me, which is rooted in being equal, having freedom to be ourselves, and the importance of education.
To me, democracy means that we are all equal and should be treated as such. We are also all part of a community where we recognize each other and our differences. Currently, our democracy is becoming more equal, but it will take time before our nation can call itself perfectly equal. To be a part of democracy, we have to recognize that we need to be a community that wants to create change in the world. We also have to realize that people have different lifestyles and ways of thinking that could influence their definition of democracy.
Another part of democracy is the freedom to be yourself and express your opinion. In schools, this is taught to us and demonstrated. In order to participate in democracy, you do have to be educated in order to not only express our opinions, but to also form them with accuracy. Freedom to be who we are is very important because it helps shape our way of living and how we interact with others in our day to day life. Democracy is fueled by opinion, and opinion is built by education, and these things are all connected.
The picture I chose demonstrates not only equality, but also education. These two can be mixed to create a community that works together to also create change in the world.
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Sophomore Honors English