
A story of my aunt who was been courageous through life.

A time that I remember someone being courageous in my life was my aunt Karla. She acted courageous because she has cancer and has gone through many different treatments like chemotherapy and radiation. She first got cancer in 2005 and went through chemo which can be difficult most of the time. Every 6 months she goes in to check her numbers out with a biopsy. This summer they noticed that she had a spot on her arm and they wanted her to do radiation. She was a little hesitant because of the side effects that could possibly happen to her. She did it for 2 weeks and she drove to Fargo most of those days. She felt good after the treatments that she had and felt a little off the first couple of days, she said she was tired from it. She's courageous because she thought that she would have side effects that would make her just lay in bed and not do anything but instead, she fought through it and didn´t suffer too badly. Even though she has dealt with cancer for a couple of years the doctors wanted her to have more worse and painful experiences Instead she just cut out the bad foods when she could and her numbers went down. During it, the doctors wanted to change her medication but she didn't want to because of what could've happened to her. I think that she is a courageous and brave person for sticking up for herself and making the right decisions even when they're difficult.




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