911 Writing Project
My grandpa had a seizure. My aunt being a kid at the time had to take action and call 911. In the long run, it worked out fine.
My life has been pretty easy so far and I am very thankful for that, but not everybody has it easy like I do. My aunt who is only 6-7 years older than I am had quite an experience when she was about 13 years old. Around the time my aunt was around 13 years old, my grandpa (her dad) wasn’t doing so well. He had recently had a stroke, and not long before that had had a heart attack. He was near the end of his recovery, but he still hadn’t fully recovered.
It was a pretty normal day, my grandpa was in the kitchen reading, my grandma was in her bedroom sleeping, and my aunt was in her room playing or something. It all changed when my grandpa got up to go into the living room for whatever reason I don’t remember. He suddenly has a seizure. He collapsed right next to my aunt’s room, so of course she heard the bang and came out of her room to see what it was. When she saw her dad (my grandpa) on the floor seizing, of course, she screamed, and of course, woke up my grandma. Once my aunt was out of shock and was able to figure out what was going on, she got to the phone as quickly as possible. While my aunt was on the phone with 911, my grandma came out of her room and tended to my grandpa the best she could. My grandma also gave my aunt information to give to the operator, this includes things such as the address they were at.
The responders showed up pretty quickly. They ended up getting my grandpa to the hospital, he got some medication to help prevent any future seizures. He did end up having a couple more, but from what I heard they were not as bad as the first one. Now today my grandpa is back to his old self, and there haven’t been any traumatic events like that since.
Park Rapids High School College Writing
Park Rapids High School College in the High School students