
A letter to christine snyder

Dear Christine Ann Snyder

I decided to write a letter to you to honor you and your courageous decisions on september 11th 2001. You are one of the biggest heroes that day. You saved hundreds of lives that day and that is something that is truly incredible. Not only were you a hero to hundreds of people but you are aslo a hero to our planet.

I think it's so cool what you did for our environment. I think it's so cool that you convinced so many people to preserve and replant the native trees in your native land of the hawini islands. It takes a lot of courage to go up to someone with higher power than you and tell them what you want and what should be done. I think it's so cool that you managed to save so much of your native land from developers and state officials who were going to destroy it to build on I Think you are one of the biggest heroes out there and your decisions and bravery is truly unmatched. My heart goes out to you and all of your loved ones.

Sincerely, Judy




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