
Courageous acts can happen anytime and anyone can do it. Doing so can save people's lives. Don't take your life or others for granted and live fully. Give your loved ones hugs and words of affirmation.

One night I got a call that nobody ever wanted to hear. My sister called me crying as I was lying in bed. She called to inform me that my dad just flipped his jeep. They were at my cousin's house and they were driving home, and she was driving right behind them. She didn’t have a clue it was my dad till she got closer and started freaking out. My brother and I were the only ones home so we rushed to the site as fast as we could. To my surprise, they were already out of the jeep because of the courageous act of my neighbor who cut Keaton free, and my sister who called the cops. My little brother had his seatbelt cut off by the neighbor, and we were all grateful that they were both okay. The courageous act of both my sister and neighbor saved my dad and little brother's life. The courageous acts by the sheriffs that responded also saved their lives, asking them questions and testing them if they were okay. I gave both of them hugs and thanked God that this was not a fatal accident. This moment really made me realize that anything can happen at any time, so don't take your family for granted. Life is a gift so take every moment and embrace it with all your heart.




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