Thank you Deora Frances Bodley
This is a letter in remorse to Deora Frances Bodley.
Dear Ms.Bodley,
Thank you for being so brave and astonishing. I learned from your bio that you were the youngest person aboard the 2nd plane. To be so young with so much life ahead of you and it's taken away is so sad to me and you were truly fearless. I feel for your family’s loss. I know in my heart you would have been a great child psychologist. You had so much to look forward to in your life, as you were only 20 years old. I bet you were so excited to fulfill your dream of helping children.
When I think about the 9/11 attacks, it truly fills my heart with sorrow and pain because I know if I lost a family member the way your family lost you, my heart would forever be scarred. That day you were flying home from visiting your friends in New Jersey is one your family will never forget. Did your friends ever think it would be their last time seeing you?
It just makes me thankful for everything and everyone in my life because you can never truly know when someone important to you will be taken away. It's always important to tell your loved ones that you love them. For example, I lost my grandfather who meant a lot to me and I know about the void that went across my stomach when I heard the news.
Ms.Bodley, you were a beautiful, smart young lady and I know your family truly misses your presence. Let’s not forget how all the passengers came together to take over the plane and not only get to safety but put forth the work to save other people's lives. Deora Frances Bodley, you and the other passengers on the plane will truly never be forgotten for your bravery. I want to say thank you again to not just you but to everyone on the flight for your act of courage, act of heroism, and act of selflessness.
Kennedi M.
South Girard School Carr's 5th Period Class
Honors World History