Letter to Christine Ann Snyder
This is written in honor of Christine Ann Snyder.
Dear Christine,
I feel terrible about what happened to you. Things should not have gone the way they did. I saw the videos of what happened and I could feel my heart ache. You should not have been taken from your life so quickly.
I learned from your biography that you carried the Hawaii’s pride and joy. It makes me feel excellent to hear that you felt proud and happy about your hometown. It just shows you had a lot of fun and a great life. I also read that you supervised volunteers in planting trees and worked to protect trees and landscapes from development. I am deeply touched by your dedication to the beautification of Hawaii and your passion for protecting trees and landscapes. You were even loyal to Hawaii! You were as caring as your face shows. It inspires me to go out and help the world.
It's wonderful and splendid to know that you also graduated from Hawaii with a degree in Political Science. Your work as a Project Manager and certified arborist for The Outdoor Circle has left an amazing impact on the environment and the community. I can only imagine the excitement you must have felt as you returned from the National Urban Forestry Conference in Washington, D.C., and embarked on your first visit to New York City. It breaks my heart to know that your journey was cut short on that fateful day.
Your love for Hawaii and your husband of just three months, waiting for you in Kailua, must have been unexplainable happiness. You were only thirty-two years old when your life was taken from you.
Your actions have taught me to live more kindly and walk with pride in what I do, but not too prideful of myself. I want to be the reason earth can become a better place just as you have done. Maybe I don’t have to do the exact things you did, but I can help in many other ways. You were so strong and you encouraged many people, including me, to live life to its fullest point. It’s just so worth it.
I wish your family all the best, especially because of their memories of what happened to you that day. I hope that your memory continues to shine brightly and that your legacy lives on through the work you have done.
Yarielis C.
South Girard School Carr's 5th Period Class
Honors World History