Remembering Sandy Waugh Bradshaw
My summary to this is that I am writing about a wonderful soul trying to be a hero. Sandy was a flight attendant for Flight 93 heading to San Francisco,California but instead was hijacked and was crashed in Spanksville, Pennsylvania.
Hello Sandy,
I was reading about the wonderful life you had. I was reading about you and I saw that you loved traveling and always wanted to be a Flight Attendant. I was reading that you were a Flight Attendant on United Airlines on September 11, 2001, on Flight 93, when 3 hijackers took over your flight. You had what looks like a wonderful life in Greensboro, North Carolina where your two toddlers, a teenage stepdaughter, your husband, and you all lived together. You were 38 years old when the horrible attack happened, you left a wonderful legacy with a wonderful family. You were a beautiful woman, you loved meeting new people, traveling, and interacting with all kinds of people. You were planning to throw boiling water on the attackers along with other people trying to save yourselves from the attackers and from what I heard you sound like a hero. I admire your story, even though I wasn't alive when it happened, I am so sorry for what you and your family had to go through. You would have been 61 years old now but you will forever be 38 years young.
Hanover-Horton High School Write to Remember 2024
Creative Writing & Communications Class