Writing prompt Two.
A writing prompt, something personal about someone who showed bravery.
Sometime last year, there was a young lady, who I don't know, driving down a main road into our town. She was in a yellow jeep, at least that's what my dad told me. And she lost control of her car. She was going too fast and started swearing, fast and hard enough to flip her car. That flip turned into a roll, and she ended up in the middle of a long stretch of grass between two companies. My father, who happened to be in the same area when she flipped, didn't even really think when it came to helping. My father ran towards the car, having to pry the door open because of the dents, and pulled her out. He had spots of blood on him when he got home because she was bleeding pretty badly. Many people just kept driving, and my dad stopped to help. Very likely saving her life that day.
Hanover-Horton High School Write to Remember 2024
Creative Writing & Communications Class