American Creed Poem
My response is a reflection of my views of our country and how they compare to our countries foundation
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness,
These are the ideals our country was founded upon,
These are the rights we are supposed to have,
These are what people fought for,
What people bled for,
What people died for,
But these are the ideals that are not followed
Everyday men and women work tirelessly to put food on the table
Children go to school and are burdened with the future of our country
This is hardly a life of their choosing,
It is the life that has been forced upon them
Everyday people die due to violence
Children are sent to place that has been compromised by gun violence
Parents hug their kids before school and fear that it may be the last
But this is no longer fear or anxiety
It is acceptance
Violence has become a normal part of society
Everyday people are denied their basic rights because of their appearance
Women are stripped the right to choose what happens to their bodies
Minorities are faced with racism and violence
People face discrimination based solely upon who they love
Although unjust, they are used to it
These inequalities have become a normal part of everyday life
Even though change is being pushed
Discrimination will always be present
Everyday people kill the environment for personal gain
Animals are hunted as a game
Trash pollutes ecosystems due to pure laziness
Forests are chopped down for infrastructure
And people become desensitized to the crimes committed against the earth
Simply due to their desire for more
Everyday people fall in and out of love
Husbands cheat on wives
Parents disown children
Families fall apart
And sickness overtakes health
But this is not unusual in our society
It is normal
Everyday the foundations this country was based upon are disobeyed
This nation is built upon broken promises and false hope
People say America is the land of the free but how can that be true
This nation is broken and its wounds can not simply be covered
It is not an issue caused by the nations foundations tho
Theoretically the structure is sound
The issue is human nature and the greed, jealousy, and lies that occur as an effect of it
Human nature can never be overpowered
It will always be present in society along with the damages caused by it
Bay High School 2nd Block
2nd Block AP Gov