What Makes me American
Being American to me is about using my freedom.I can use my freedom to do service to my community.I can use my freedom to do many other fun things.Using my freedom is what makes me American.
Being American is about serving others
It's about helping your community and using your freedom
What makes me American is not my birthright
What makes me American is my freedom to do anything
Freedom lets me do what I want
Freedom lets me be what I want
I appreciate the freedom that I have
I have the freedom to do good or bad
I have the freedom to do wrong or right
With my freedom I choose to serve my community
Whether you use your freedom correctly or incorrectly,
Using your freedom is what makes you American
The freedom to watch a baseball game
The freedom to eat a hot dog
The freedom to help my family
The freedom to serve my community
The freedom to visit new places
The freedom to do what I want
The freedom to be what I want
That is what makes me American
B. Michael Caudill Middle School The Grady Bunch
7th Grade American History wannabes