No One is Illegal
I wrote this poem to express how I feel about immigration, as an immigrant.
If americans think of immigrants coming to the US
for a better life as illegal
then no one is legal in this land.
built by immigrants
who came for a better future
for their kids.
I know how it feels like to leave your home.
It feels cold and lonely
It sounds like the “RR” in teacher, better, eraser
It looks like falling leaves
It taste sweet like honey, yet bitter like Myrrh
It smells like burnt coffee
I have to learn a new language in order to communicate
I have to adopt the new culture in order to fit in
I have to get used to the weather
It is challenging
for one self
let alone to not feel welcomed by people.
America the land of opportunities to be created
Dreams to be supported
Hospitality to be celebrated
The land where the rainbow falls
Why now is it illegal?
Project Citizen Project Citizen '19
Project Citizen is a youth writing lab that is offered as part of the Connecticut Writing Project at Fairfield University. The mission of Project Citizen is to empower young writers to engage in issues of social and political importance through a variety of genres in order to both find their voice and to become fully realized citizens in our democracy. Project Citizen brings together students from school districts and towns in Fairfield county that represent a variety of economic, racial, ethnic, and religious demographic groups in an effort to break down the "zip code apartheid" that stands in the way of true collaborative learning.