
The stereotype of being black in America, is that all black people own illegal guns, all steal, all are broke and all are gang members, when that is not true. All of us are equal.

First off, to the ones who have died for us, risked their lives for us, even put us first..thank you. As a whole we can not thank you enough. You did not have to make that sacrifice for us but you did it anyways.

The stereotype of being black in America, is that all black people own illegal guns, all steal, all are broke and all are gang members, when that is not true. All of us are equal. There are many who have successful lives and have never done anything bad. We need to stop the violence, and that goes for all races.

As a black male, something that always gets to me, is the claim that “all white cops are racist” simply because they are the opposite race of the one in trouble. An example of this happened last week. Two Mississippi State Highway Patrol troopers stopped a black male and a black lady. The male refused to do what the officer was saying to do and it caused him to get forced to the ground. The black community was infuriated, but do they know what he did to cause it? It went viral around the community. I have family members who are in law enforcement, so I have been taught how to act in these situations, what to do, and what not to do; what is right, and what is wrong. The reason why this happens is because we try to prove a point, and we are trying to prove it while breaking the law.

Honestly though, America can do better with their criminal justice system. A woman who officers claim is “too pretty for jail” did not get arrested for drunk driving. Officers say she “did well in school, and was a former cheerleader” so does not spend any time behind bars. That is unfair on so many different levels. She should be spending her time in jail just like any other stupid drunk driver who is risking his life by one: over intoxicating himself, two: risking his life, three: putting other people’s lives in danger.

Another thing is “racism”. The stereotype for whites is “they are all racist,” which is not true at all. I see all people the same, but I do know there are some racists, and I pray to God they will get the hatred out of their hearts. Racism is a big thing, and has been forever. It’s everywhere no matter what race you are, and not only are whites racist, there are racist blacks, racist Mexicans, Asians and all other ethnicities. Do not assume only one race is racist.




High school sociology class @ Puckett High School in Mississippi

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